Structural Steel Detailing

Mid-Island Steel utilizes SDS/2 software to model and output our structural steel fabrication jobs. With digital Structural Steel Detailing we can import models from various versions and output files for all of our machinery. This reduces the time it takes to begin production. This also helps to reduce waste and improve project maintenance.

SDS/2 allows us to view the structure prior to outputting to confirm all member connections are correct. At this point we can also modify the structure if need be. Once the model is complete and free of any issues we can begin the output process. We output reports for our purchasing department to order steel. These reports give whole job quantities or per sequence properties. We then also output the files for our Peddinghaus Plasma Plate Machine and our Peddinghaus PCD-1100 Drill Line. It is finally time to begin fabrication.


Structural Steel Detailing